"The Contendings of Horus and Seth"
Richard F. Ebert, “Relief in Temple of Horus Sanctuary in Edfu, Egypt” (2014). 1 The king of Egypt was held in high esteem as though he himself was a god, as interpreted by Frankfort in ‘Kingship and the Gods’ from the Memphite Theology inscription stone. 2 Kingship also involved a ‘mystic communion’ between two generations, such as in the case of Horus, and his deceased father, Osiris. 2 The death of a king deeply affected the lives of Egyptians, as it marked the bringing forth of a time of evil and chaos upon Egypt, which persisted until the ascension of a new king and his coronation. 2 “The Contendings of Horus and Seth” in the Chester Beatty Papyrus tells the story of how Horus came to power after a series of three trials; involving underwater submersion, homosexuality, and racing stone ships, with his uncle, Seth. 3 Primarily revolving around the key theme of kingship, “ The Contendings of Horus and Seth” gave rise to the idea of primogeniture; whether one s...